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Easiest Way to Cook Yummy No-Bake Lemon Cheesecake

No-Bake Lemon Cheesecake.

No-Bake Lemon Cheesecake You can have No-Bake Lemon Cheesecake using 6 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of No-Bake Lemon Cheesecake

  1. It's 2 of lemons will be more then enough, use 1 if you don't want it too sour, as we'll be using both the juice and the zest.
  2. It's 2 knobs of melted butter, is that a way of measuring butter? if not then about 40g should do.
  3. You need 10 of Digestive Biscuits should be good for a thick-ish biscuit base if you want thinner just use fewer biscuits, I just love the crunchy base.
  4. Prepare 300 ml of Extra thick/ Double cream get the thickest cream you can as the lemon juice will loosen the mixture a fair bit.
  5. Prepare 300 g of Cream Cheese or just equal parts Cream Cheese to Double Cream.
  6. You need 1 cup of sugar or add more if you've got a big sweet tooth granulated or caster are both fine.

No-Bake Lemon Cheesecake step by step

  1. You can start by lining a dish or whatever you'll be serving the cheesecake in with either greaseproof paper or just clingfilm..
  2. Now put your digestive biscuits into a bag and just start pounding them until they're all crushed..
  3. Melt your butter, use the microwave or a saucepan it doesn't matter..
  4. Pour the bag of crushed biscuits and melted butter into a bowl and mix together and combine..
  5. Put the buttery biscuits into the lined dish, spread it evenly and push down with the bottom of the mug or heavy cup making sure all the bottom of the dish is covered..
  6. Now for the topping! Mix together equal parts thick cream and cream cheese and 1 cup of sugar until combined. Now because these ingredients are super thick it will be hard to mix after combined but keep on pushing..
  7. Grate the zest of the two lemons into the bowl, add the juice too and mix, start off slow and work your speed up as everything starts incorporating the mixture will start to loosen and start becoming more of a whipped cream consistency, this is good!.
  8. Get the biscuit base out of the fridge and pour your lemon topping into the dish and spread evenly..
  9. At this point there's two ways of setting it. You can either leave it in the fridge overnight, which will result in a rich, softer cheesecake or freeze for 3-5 hours and remove from freezer 1 hour before serving this will give you a more conventional cheesecake texture..
  10. Whichever way you decide to set it when it's ready you can either remove it from the dish and put onto a plate or just leave the cake in the dish and spoon out servings that's how I usually do it! Enjoy!.

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