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Recipe: Appetizing Chicken mussakhan roll

Chicken mussakhan roll. Mussakhan is a classic Palestinian dish traditionally laid out on a giant piece of bread, where the flavorful roasting juices laced with allspice, sumac, and cumin can be poured over the top. Chicken and sumac are BFFs in this recipe. I give you tips and tricks on how to make the quickest homemade lunch: easy chicken rolls packed with flavor.

Chicken mussakhan roll Place the Musakhan rolls in an oven tray, and brush the rolls with olive oil and chicken stock. Mussakhan is a classic Palestinian dish eaten in villages throughout the region. Here, cookbook author Yasmin Khan shares her recipe from Zaitoun: Recipes from a Palestinian Kitchen. You can cook Chicken mussakhan roll using 8 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Chicken mussakhan roll

  1. It's 4 of breast of chicken.
  2. Prepare 6 of onions.
  3. It's 1/2 cup of olive oil.
  4. Prepare of Salt.
  5. You need of Pepper.
  6. It's 2 tablespoon of Sumac spices you could find it in any Middle East store.
  7. It's 2 of Bay leaves.
  8. It's of saije bread could find in middle eastern store you could use pita bread or egg roll.

This Palestinian treat really comes into its own during Arabic celebrations. Musakhan, which translates into English as "heated up". Sumac chicken rolls: musakhan chicken recipe. Easy and simple Musakhan Rolls Recipe.

Chicken mussakhan roll instructions

  1. Cook the chicken breast with 2 onions and bay leaves salt pepper till tender about 35 minutes.
  2. After it cool off Tear the chicken to small pieces.
  3. Over medium heat add the onions some salt and cook for 10 minutes till they get soft add the chicken and cook for another 10 minutes in the end add all the sumac spices on top and cook for another few minutes.
  4. Using bread cut to triangles.
  5. Fill one full tablespoon spoon of the chicken mixture and roll it.
  6. Sprinkle some of the sumac and olive oil on top cook for oven 450 for 10 minutes or less keep your eyes on it and enjoy server it with Greek yogurt.

Drain onions; in a bowl add the chicken, pine nuts, couple of spoons of olive oil and sumac. This is a delicious appetizer version of the now A third option is to use half the strips for mussakhan and the other half to stuff with zaatar paste. Meltingly tender chicken with the lemony flavor of sumac and the sweetness of caramelized onions, musakhan (المسخن) is a favorite dish of Palestinians everywhere. This photo accompanying her recipe for Mussakhan (roast chicken with sumac and red onions) jumped out at me (unfortunately not literally!), and I knew it was the recipe we would publish this week. However tonight when we dined here, we ordered our staple chicken mussakhan as this is such a tasty, chicken-packed roll--it was just filled with sauteed onions with hardly any chicken.

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